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Trade Policy Review of the United States
-------Advance Written Questions from China
(9 & 11 June, 2008)

Summary Observations

(1) Economic Environment

1. What is the United State’s view on the profound impact of the sub-prime crisis on its economy in the medium and long run? Please explain what actions have been taken so far to address such impact and evaluate their effectiveness? Affected by such factors as the sub-prime crisis, oil and food price hike, a large number of countries are facing the pressure of economy slowdown and mounting inflation in 2008. How does the U.S. plan to overcome the dual challenge of getting its economy onto normal track of growth and curbing inflation?

(2) Trade and Investment Policy Framework

2. (Page vii, paragraphs 5) The Secretariat Report notes that the U.S. has not fully implemented the WTO rulings and revised its domestic legislations relating to intellectual property rights and anti-dumping measures.

Please explain the reason. Does the U.S. have any plan and timetable to implement relevant WTO DSB rulings to ensure the credibility of the DSB and the multilateral trading system as a whole?
请说明尚未完成的原因。美国是否有实施WTO DSB相关规定的计划或时间表,以保证DSB和多边贸易体制的可信性?

(3) Market Access for Goods

3. (Page viii, paragraphs 14) The Secretariat Report notes that the Byrd Amendment was repealed in 2007, but AD and CVD duties assessed before October 2007 continued to be distributed to U.S. producers.

WTO DSB ruled that the Byrd Amendment violated related provisions of GATT1994, the Anti-dumping Agreement and the SCM Agreement, and requested the U.S. to change the legislation in conformity with its WTO obligations before 27 December 2003. However, the U.S. failed to implement the ruling. The Byrd Amendment was finally repealed at the end of 2007. From the entry in force of the Byrd Amendment to end 2007, total disbursements of the duties collected were estimated at approximately US$ 1.9 billion, according to the Secretariat Report. Among those received the subsidies, the iron&steel producers benefited most and largest.
WTO 争端解决机构认定《伯尔德修正案》违反了1994年《关税与贸易总协定》、《反倾销协定》和《补贴和反补贴措施协定》的相关规定,要求其在2003年12月27日前使其法律与美国承担的WTO义务相一致。但美国政府未能如期履行其法律义务,《伯尔德修正案》最终在2007年底被废止。据秘书处报告,从生效到废止的2007年底,政府偿付的总额大约19亿元。在收到补贴的企业中,一钢铁生产商获益最多和最大。

a. Please explain why the U.S. hasn’t fulfilled it obligation as requested by the ruling of the DSB to stop distributing AD and CVD duties to its domestic producers?

b. Could U.S. confirm whether it has stopped, at this moment, distributing AD and CVD duties to its domestic producers who supported the petition for investigation? If not, please explain why.

c. Please provide specific information including statistics regarding which industries have been receiving such AD and CVD duties through these measures and how much were distributed to each industry and each major producer within that industry?

d. Could U.S. explain whether such distribution of AD and CVD duties is in conformity with the SCM Agreement, particularly whether such distribution constitutes subsidies as defined by this Agreement? Could the U.S. explain the reasoning if it does not regard it as subsidies defined by the SCM Agreement?

(5) Other Measures Affecting Trade

4. The U.S. has been prohibiting the U.S. citizens, permanent residents, companies or non-U.S. entities held by U.S. citizens or companies to import products that are originated or partially originated from Cuba through its domestic laws and regulations. It is reported that the Office of Foreign Assets Control has initiated an investigation on the imports of stainless steel products from China which contains Cuban nickel. For the imports of above-mentioned products, the U.S. authorities are entitled to impose criminal and civil penalties. Criminal penalties include a fine up to 250,000 USD or a 20-year imprisonment and civil penalties include a fine calculated on the basis of 250,000 USD or twice the transaction value, whichever is higher.
美国长期以来通过国内法禁止美国公民、获得永久居住权人士、公司或由美国公民、公司控制的非美国实体进口部分或全部原产于古巴的产品。据相关媒体报道,美国外国资产控制办公室(Office of Foreign Assets Control)已经对中国使用古巴镍生产不锈钢产品并向美国出口一事进行调查。对于违反规定进口上述产品,美国相关机关可给以刑事和民事处罚:刑事处罚包括可处以最高25万美元罚款或20年监禁;民事处罚包括处以每次违反25万美元与交易额两倍计算中较高的一方来计算罚款。

a. Please confirm whether the above-mentioned information, especially about the criminal and civil penalties, is correct or not. If not, please provide the correct one.

b. Please explain whether the above-mentioned laws and regulations of the US, which obviously jeopardize the normal trade between the U.S. and other WTO Members, are consistent with U.S. obligations under the WTO? If yes, please explain the reasoning related to the WTO Agreements and specific Articles.

c. How would the U.S. government address the above-mentioned issue between China and U.S.?

I. Recent Economic Development 目前经济发展
(1) Overview 综述

5. (part I,paragraph 3) The Secretariat Report notes that openness allows U.S. producers and consumers to access goods, services, and capital from abroad at the best conditions.

a. Does U.S. have any assessment regarding the benefits of domestic producers and consumers from such openness? Would it be possible for the U.S. to share such information with Members, if any?

b. In order to promote sustainable economic growth, and to maintain an open trade and investment regime, what will the U.S. government intend to do or what are the measures to be taken by the U.S. government to enhance the competitiveness of the domestic industries?

(2) Output and Employment 产出和就业

6. (page 4,paragraph 10) The Secretariat Report notes that labor productivity continued to expand, however the pace of increase is less than unit labor costs in 2007.
Please list the industries with highest growth of labor productivity, and explain why.

(3) Monetary and Exchange Rate Policies 货币和汇率政策

7. (page 5,paragraph 15) The Secretariat Report notes that the dollar continued to depreciate in nominal and real terms during the review period as it has since 2002.

a. Please elaborate the rational for such depreciation and its impact on the U.S. economy, particularly on import and export.
a. 请说明美元贬值的深层次原因、美元贬值对美经济,尤其进口和出口的影响。

b. Various analyses indicates that there is a causal link between dollar depreciation and oil and food price hike, and this might trigger global wide inflation. What is the U.S. view on such analysis?
b. 有分析认为,美元贬值与石油、粮食等商品价格上涨有关,并有可能引发全球性的通货膨胀。请问美国如何评价这一观点。

8. The Federal Reserve has made a successive rate cuts, and the base lending rate has been lowered to 2%. The exchange rate of USD has kept falling, with an exchange rate to Euro decreased 10% in 2007. The depreciation is getting even faster in early 2008, e.g. by 8.3% at the end of March from year end of 2007, among which, a 6.4% drop to Euro and 9.5% drop to Japanese Yen. Various analyses believe that the depreciation of USD has brought significant negative impact on other economies, particularly the developing ones.

a. What’s the U.S. view on the above-mentioned analyses about the impact of the dollar depreciation on other economies, particularly the developing ones?

b. Does U.S. deem it necessary to continue such a monetary policy related to the dollar depreciation? If so, how much is the room for further rate cuts?
b. 请问。美国是否认为需要继续美元贬值的货币政策?如果是,降息的空间还有多大?

c. How does the U.S. evaluate the impact of such depreciation on its long-held status in the international currency system, particularly in the international reserve asset and settlement currency? What kind of dollar policy is the U.S. government intends to maintain in the future and please explain its considerations in this regard. c. 美国如何看待近期美元大幅贬值对美元在国际货币体系、国际储备资产、结算货币中的长期地位的影响?美国政府未来将倾向于维持何种美元政策,出于哪些考虑?

(4) Fiscal Policy 财政政策

9. U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow said at the annual meeting of IMF/WB on February 10th that the U.S. will halve its fiscal deficit by 2009. And this fiscal year’s budget report also mentioned that the Bush government planned to eliminate deficit and turn it into surplus by 2012. However, according to the report published by the U.S. Treasury on March 12, the government deficit increased by 62% in 5 months from October 1 2007 than that of last fiscal year, reaching US$263.3 billion

What steps does the U.S. plan to take to solve the enlarged deficit and meet the target of turning deficit to surplus by 2012?

(5) Balance of Payments 支出平衡

10. Recently the U.S. has made significant results in terms of reducing the trade deficit.

Could the U.S. explain what factors, including relevant measures by the U.S., contribute to such reduction of trade deficit?

11. Will any policy arrangements be adopted in future to promote the structural adjustment of domestic trade and to raise its saving rate? What’s the U.S. view on the long term impact of the sub-prime crisis on the domestic saving-consumption pattern?

(6) Developments on Trade and Investment 贸易和投资发展

12. (part I,paragraph 28) The Secretariat Report notes that both the import and export of primary products expanded significantly due mainly to the growing importance of mining.

Does the U.S. believe that the dollar depreciation is also a contributing factor to such expansion of primary products imports?

II.Trade Policy Regime: Framework and Objectives 贸易政策机制:框架和目标

13. (page 12, paragraph 2) The Secretariat Report notes that the Trade Promotion Authority which the Administration views as an important tool for achieving U.S. trade objectives expired in July 2007.
Could the Administration explain that, without the Trade Promotion Authority, how it could ensure other WTO Members that any Doha result by consensus of the Membership, particularly the U.S. commitments therein, would not be changed by the Congress or even requested to a re-negotiate?

(3) Foreign Investment Regime

14. (page 15,paragraph 18-22) The Secretariat Report notes that FINSA requires “national security” investigations on foreign mergers and acquisitions. However, the Act and its regulations and guidance do not explicate the definition of “national security”. According to FINSA, “national security” includes issues relating to “homeland security” as well. Besides, FINSA automatically subjects to a 45-day CFIUS investigation all transactions that result in “foreign government control” or control of U.S. “critical infrastructure”. FINSA also authorize CFIUS to conduct investigations on foreign investment transactions regardless of the shareholding percentage, at CFIUS own initiative.

a. Could the U.S. confirm the above-mentioned information, particularly on whether there is an explicit definition of “national security”? If yes, please provide such definition and the relevant provisions of the Act or any other relevant law. If not, could the U.S. explain how the U.S. ensures the transparency, fairness and predictability of CFIUS’ reviews and investigations?

b. Please clarify the definition of “foreign government control”, “critical infrastructure” and “critical technology” relating to national security issues as referred to in the Act.

c. Please provide updated information on the implementation procedures of FINSA of the Act or any other relevant law, particularly on how many such investigations have been carried out, on foreign mergers and acquisitions in which sector, by what countries, and with what results.

d. Are there any specific provisions/rules on civil punishment against violation of the Act?

15. CFIUS has been repeatedly initiating review procedures on the acquisition of 3Com by China Huawei and Bain Capital. Since network equipments are defined by the US as “sensitive area”, the intention of acquisition immediately triggered the US review procedure after it was announced to the public. 3Com pointed out that Huawei, as a minority stake holder, would have no right to obtain the American sensitive technologies or the data of its sales to the US government. 3Com also announced that it would have a strict control over its sensitive technologies and avoid any illegal transfer of the sensitive technologies. Finally, this transaction was aborted.

a. What are the review criteria and procedures of the CFIUS when conducting security review on foreign investments? Do the review criteria vary to acquisitions of companies from country to country? If yes, what are the soecific?
a. CFIUS在对外国投资进行安全审查时的审查标准与程序是什么? 对于不同的国家审查标准是否有所不同?如果有,区别是什么?

b. What is the definition “sensitive area”? Under such definition, if any, what products or equipments fall in the category of “sensitive area”?
b. 敏感领域的定义是什么?在这一定义下,哪些产品和设备被归类于“敏感领域”

c. Could the U.S. provide detailed information on the reviews by CFIUS, particularly on how many reviews, on what acquisitions, of what products or equipments, by what companies from what countries? Could the U.S. also provide the reasoning as announced by CFIUS for each negative result of such reviews?
请美国提供关于 CFIUS的审查的详细信息,特别是关于有多少审查?关于什么并购?关于什么产品或设备?哪个国家的哪个公司?也请提供CFIUS关于宣布负面结果的此类调查的理由。

d. Does CFIUS take into consideration the opinions of the Congress, media and/or other interested parties in the course of reviewing? If so, how and why?
FIUS在审查过程中会否考虑国会、媒体和其他利益相关方的意见? 如是,通过什么程序实现?

(4) International Relations
(i)World Trade Organization

16. (page 17, paragraph 31) The Secretariat Report notes that the U.S. met most of its notification obligations between 2005 and 2007 except those on agricultural tariff quotas and government procurement statistics.

a. What are the reasons for the U.S. to not fully meet its WTO notification obligations in the above-mentioned areas? What is its plan and timeframe to make such notifications?

b. It is noted that the U.S. hasn’t notified the technical regulation drafts at sub-federal level. Could the U.S. explain the reasons and its plan and timeframe to make such notifications?

17. The U.S. economy has slowed down mainly due to the outburst of sub-prime crisis in the late 2007. This has brought negative impact on the world economic development. In general, people fear that this will result in the rise of trade protectionism in major developed countries including the U.S, which would also have negative impact on the Doha Development Agenda.

What is the U.S. view to such opinion? What actions does the U.S. plan to take by playing a leading role with its own contributions to push forward the Doha multilateral trade negotiations, as a key economy that benefits most from the multilateral trading system?

(ii)Preferential and other arrangements

18. Please provide the statistics with regard to percentage of excluded products in the FTAs signed and implemented, including those in force and those concluded but yet to be implemented, by tariff line and by trade value.

19. Please provide information on the percentage of imports under the FTAs’ preferential regime to the overall imports in 2007, on a country-by-country basis.

20. Please provide detailed data on the contribution of FTAs in force to the growth of bilateral imports and exports of the U.S. in 2007, on a country-by-country basis.

- Aid for Trade

21. Please explain what initiatives have been undertaken by the U.S. to fulfill its commitments on Aid for Trade? Please also explain how such new initiatives are different and additional from its previous ones and those under other framework?

22. It seems that the U.S. has yet more to do to meet its commitment of 0.7% of gross national income (GNI) as official development assistance (ODA) under the Monterrey Consensus.
美国在兑现《蒙特雷共识》中关于ODA占GNI 0.7%的承诺方面还有很多工作要做。

What actions does the U.S. plan to take in order to effectively meet the target at an early date? Or the U.S. imply has no intention at all to meet such a target?

23.It is believed that provision of Duty-free quota-free treatment to products imported from LDCs was a significant outcome of HK Ministerial Conference, which was also a mandatory obligation for all developed members, including the U.S.

Could the U.S. confirm whether it has fulfilled this obligation? If yes, please provide relevant information including statistics and any possible exclusion. If no, please explain the reason and its plan, if any, to fulfill such obligation.

III.Trade Policies and Practices by Measures
(2)Measures Directly Affecting Imports
(i)Customs procedures

24. (page 25, paragraph 16)The Secretariat Report notes that a customs bond must be posted for each importation of merchandise. The bond could be as high as three times of the total of the imported merchandise value plus import duties, taxes, and fees. According to CBP,bonds allow importers to take possession of their merchandise ahead of time thus facilitating trade. However, such a compulsory requirement will tie up the importer’s cash flow to a great extent therefore not facilitating trade.

Please elaborate the considerations in making this customs bond requirement.

25. (page 27, paragraph 24) According to the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007, all containers from a U.S.-bound vessel must be scanned using non-intrusive imaging and radiation detection equipment. However, according to C-TPAT, its participants shall enjoy lower inspection rate.

Please clarify the discrepancy between the Act and the Programme.

26. Please provide the findings of assessment of the 100% scanning pilot programme and if possible, explain the conclusions of the assessment. China is concerned that the implementation of 100% scanning requirement will create extra customs procedures and increase trade costs. Could the U.S. elaborate what measures might be adopted to avoid or minimize the negative impact of such requirement to international trade?

27. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has published a “10+2”requirement which requests the submission of 10 data elements by importer or their designated agent and 2 data elements by carrier or their designated agent 24 hours prior to loading the U.S.-bound vessel.

a. The U.S. emphasized that this requirement was made for security reason and not for commercial or trade enforcement purpose. However, there are wide concerns that too much and strict port security requirements make it a drawback from trade facilitation. We would like to know what efforts have been or will be made by the U.S. to minimize its negative impact on trade. How have the public concerns been taken into consideration by the U.S. authorities?

b. How will the issue of commercial information confidentiality be properly addressed?

c. Please update the progress on this requirement.

28. According to the ruling of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Apr. 2008, U.S. customs and boarder control agencies have the authority to search, review and copy the content of the laptops/electronic equipments without identifying specific reason for suspicion.

Please explain what measures have been adopted by the U.S. to ensure that these contents were not subject to abuse.

(iii)Rules of Origin

29. (page 29, paragraph 35) The Report notes that “Determination of origin relies on self-certification.”

Please explain what the term “self-certification” means.

30. (page 29, paragraph 36) The Report notes that “however, these general standards may be adapted and interpreted further by agencies other than CBP to fit the needs and purposes of particular context in which non-preferential rules are applied. ”

Please clarify what are the “agencies” as referred to in the paragraph. What is the relationship between the CBP and the “agencies” in terms of ROO interpretation right?

31. (page 29, paragraph 37) The Report notes that the “wholly obtained” criterion is used in the U.S. FTAs, including those that have entered into force since last review. As we understand, “wholly obtained” is only one of the criteria.

Could the U.S. clarify what are the other criteria?

32. (page 30, paragraph 38) The Report mentioned about “double substantial transformation”.

Please explain how to apply the “double substantial transformation” criterion to determine the country of origin.

33. (page 30, paragraph 38) The Report mentioned that to qualify for preferential tariff treatment under the programmes, apparel must use U.S. components, regional components up to an annual cap.

Please explain how the annual cap is calculated, what factors are considered/included, and if there is a uniform formula for the calculation.

34. (page 30, paragraph 39) The Secretariat Report notes that “this scheme benefits U.S. companies with investments in Mexico and Canada, and helps to integrate regional production.”

Please elaborate how such schemes help to integrate regional production, and what are the policies and measures adopted or will be adopted by the U.S. to promote regional production integration.


35. According to U.S. current tariff schedule, high tariffs, whose tariff rates are 3 times higher than the national average, account for 5% of the total tariff-lines. The tariff rates of tobacco, yogurt and peanuts are as high as 160% to 350%. The tariff rates of other agriculture products range from 50% to 110%. High tariffs and tariff peaks concentrate on agriculture products, on which the U.S. has strong competitiveness, as well as textile and clothing, footwear and travel products, on which developing countries have strong export interests.

Please explicate the policy consideration behind the tariff structure and the possible effect on export from developing countries to U.S..

36. Recently, the CBP has changed the custom classification of multiplayer hard-wood parquet, from the original HS heading 44.18.30 to heading 44.12. Consequently multiplayer parquet imports are subject to a duty of 8%, instead of the original duty-free treatment, which greatly affects the exporting enterprise and future exports.
近期美国海关与边境保护署调整了多层实木地板的税则分类,将其由Parquet panels中的44.18.30调整至胶合板类中的44.12项下,使其由免关税产品变为被实施8%税率的产品。此举将对木地板企业出口及未来出口造成重要影响。

a. Please explain the reasons for this tariff classification adjustment.
a. 请美国解释该次税目调整的理由。

b. Please provide the import volume of the affected products in the latest 3 years and identify the principal suppliers of such products.
b. 请提供前三年该产品的主要进口来源国及进口量。

(v)Other charges affecting imports

37. (page 34, paragraph 61-64) The Secretariat Report notes that U.S. applies federal excise taxes on certain imported and domestic products. Reduced tax rates are applied for domestic brewer with an annual production of 2 million barrels of beer or less and domestic wine producers with an annual production of 0.15 million wine gallons or less. Also, the U.S. does not apply a value added tax. Sub-federal governments may impose sales taxes and additional excise taxes on imports and domestic products.

a. Please explain the tax bases for sales tax and additional excise tax imposed by the sub-federal governments respectively for domestic products and for imported products.

b. If the tax bases are different for imported and domestic products, please explain why.

c. Please justify the preferential tax policy for domestic brewers and wine producers, and its conformity with the WTO rules.

(vi) Anti-dumping and countervailing measures

38. Sec. 210.16(c) of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure stipulates that U.S. international Trade Commission can issue General Exclusion Orders (GEOs) in the 337 investigations. Sec. 210.39(b) of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure stipulates that in case of a parallel suit in a district court, the district court will suspend the suit and resume after the ruling of the ITC has been issued.
美国 Sec. 210.16(c) of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure规定,美国国际贸易委员会在337调查中有权发布普遍排除令;Sec. 210.39(b) of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure规定,如果存在337调查和地区法院的平行诉讼,地区法院只需中止诉讼程序,等ITC作出裁决以后可以继续诉讼。

For imported products, the complainant may initiate a 337 investigation, request for a GEO and at the same time file a parallel suit with a district court. However, for the U.S. domestically produced products, the complainant can only file a suit with the district court and can not apply for a GEO. Correspondingly, this means that foreign producers and importers may face two connected suits, while the local producers only need to handle one suit at the district court.

a. Please explain how this treatment is consistent with the national treatment principle of WTO. Please also explain the consistency of the measure with Article 27 of the TRIPS Agreement, which requires that “...patents shall be available and patent rights enjoyable without discrimination as to the place of invention, ... and whether products are imported or locally produced.”
a. 请解释这种差别待遇是否符合WTO的国民待遇原则?请美国解释其与TRIPS协议第27条“对于专利的获得和专利权的享受不因……产品是进口的还是当地生产的而受到歧视”的一致性问题。

b. Please explain the consistency of the GEO with Article 42 of the TRIPS Agreement which requires “Fair and Equitable Procedures”.
b. 请解释普遍排除令的实施是否符合TRIPS协议第42条“公平和公正的程序”的规定。

c. Please indicate whether U.S. is considering amending the application of GEO.
c. 美国是否会考虑修改普遍排除令的适用方式?

39. U.S. has initiated numerous antidumping investigations against China in the past 30 years. The amendment of U.S. antidumping law in the 1980s has allowed cumulative assessment in the determination of injuries. Art. 771(7) (G) of the Trade Act of 1974 (19U•S•C•§1677(7) (G)) stipulates that in the determination of “material injury” or “threat of material injury” for a certain domestic industry, “if such imports compete with each other and with domestic like products in the United States market”, “the Commission shall cumulatively assess the volume and effect of imports of the subject merchandise from all countries”. It is believed that the cumulative approach of assessment leads to a greater possibility of finding injuries.

Could the U.S. explain such practice of cumulative approach conform to the AD Agreement?

40. The U.S. Department of Commerce has initiated 11 joint antidumping/countervailing investigations against imports from China since the end of 2006. China notes meanwhile, U.S. still denies the market economy status of China. It is also noted that it is U.S.’s consistent practice not to apply countervailing investigations on the non-market economy countries. This can be verified by various rulings of courts and the Department of Commerce. In both the report entitled “U.S.-China Trade Commerce Faces Practical and Legal Challenges in Applying Countervailing Duties” submitted by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) to the Congress in Jun. 2005, and the testimony of Mr. Loren Yager, the chief for the international affairs and trade of GAO, to the Congress (U.S.-China Trade Challenges and Choices to apply Countervailing Duties to China), it was recognized that there are legal and practical difficulties with regard to countervailing investigations against China. The explanation offered by U.S. on this discrepancy is that China’s current economic situation is already very different from the traditional soviet mode, and that the criteria for initiating countervailing investigations are already met. Nevertheless, the Department of Commerce states quite the opposite: that the major factors of production, including land, loans, raw materials are controlled or manipulated by the government and there’s no effective market or market price.
美国商务部自2006年底以来已经连续对中国产品发起11起反倾销反补贴合并调查。中方注意到美方目前仍然拒绝承认中国的市场经济地位,而且在此前一直坚持不对非市场经济国家进行反补贴调查的做法(通过美国商务部及法院判例确认)。2005年6月,美国政府审计署在递交美国国会的《美中贸易——商务部在适用反补贴税时所面对的操作和法律挑战》报告和2006年4月,美国政府审计署国际事务和贸易负责人Loren Yager在向国会提交的证词中均认为,美国对华反补贴调查存在法律及操作障碍。美方对其改变原有立场对华进行反补贴调查的解释是目前中国的经济状况已经与传统意义上的苏联模式有很大不同,进行反补贴调查的条件已经具备。但是美国商务部在已经做出的各案初裁、终裁中认为,中国的土地、贷款、原材料等所有重要生产要素均受到政府控制或扭曲,不存在有效的市场或市场价格。

a. Please justify the applicability of countervailing investigations on the products from a “non-market economy” as recognized by the U.S.
a. 美方如何证明其对来自“非市场经济”国家的产品进行反补贴调查的正当性?

b. Please explain what fundamental changes have occurred in China’s economy that has qualified as applicable to the countervailing investigations?
b. 请美方解释:中国的经济状况发生了哪些根本性变化,使得对中国进行反补贴调查成为可能。

41. The Department of Commerce has initiated numerous joint antidumping/countervailing investigations against imports from China. In the antidumping investigations, U.S. regards China as a non-market economy and applies substitution method in calculating the dumping margin. China’s understanding is that it has been a consistent practice of U.S. to apply joint antidumping/countervailing investigations only to the “market economies”. While for the “non-market economies”, it only applies antidumping investigations because it is already adequate to use non-market method to remedy an unfair trade resulted from the government’s price interference and distortion, including providing subsidies.

Please explain why no measures have been taken to avoid joint AD/CVD investigations against products imported from China since the U.S. regards China as a non-market economy?

42. In the U.S. countervailing investigations against China, despite the ample amount of factual evidence provided by China on the prices of land, raw materials, water and energy, the U.S. refused to accept the fact that the prices for the abovementioned factors have already been highly market-oriented, and insists on the use of external benchmarks. For raw materials, U.S. refused to use the price of China’s importation from market economies. For the prices of land, water and interest rates, it is a common understanding that different countries, even among countries of similar economic development, apply different rates and there’s no objective base rate that is applicable to all Members.
在美国对中国的反补贴调查中,不顾中方提供的大量事实证据,拒绝采用中国国内的土地、原材料、水、能源价格等信息,无视中国上述生产要素价格均已高度市场化的事实,而是以中国市场扭曲为由使用外部基准价格(external benchmark)。在原材料价格上,美方拒绝采用中国企业自市场经济国家进口的原材料价格作为价格基准。而土地价格、水价和利率在世界各国(即使是经济发展水平接近的国家之间)差异很大,并不存在客观可靠的基准价格。

For each of the abovementioned factor of production, please specify the reasons for rejecting to adopt China’s domestic price or price of imports from a market economy. Please also justify the rationality for using external benchmarks instead of China’s domestic prices.

43. According to Article 11.2 of the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (SCM), applications for initiating a countervailing investigation shall include “sufficient evidence” and “simple assertion, unsubstantiated by relevant evidence, cannot be considered sufficient to meet the requirements”. Article 13.1 also requires that “in any event before the initiation of any investigation, Members the products of which may be subject to such investigation shall be invited for consultations”.

The U.S. maintains a low standard for the “sufficient evidence” test in accepting the applications for CVD investigations, and requires China to prove the “simple assertion” test. This is a significantly imbalanced distribution of burden of proof, and has led to the abusive use of countervailing measures by the U.S. industries. Apart from this, U.S. allows new claims to be submitted after a case is registered, and for these newly submitted claims, Member(s) involved were not consulted. The practice is inconsistent with the provisions of Article 13.1 of the SCM Agreement.

a. Please explain the standards for the “sufficient evidence” test for accepting a CVD application. Please specify how these standards are in line with the requirements of Article 11 of the SCM Agreement, and how will U.S. take measures to avoid abuse of countervailing measures?
a. 请美方解释其立案时审查申请方提供的证据的标准,说明其是否符合SCM第11条的规定,以及美方将采取何种努力防止国内企业滥诉.

b. Please explain the standards for accepting new claims after a case is registered, and what efforts will be made to fulfill the requirements of Article 13 of the SCM Agreement?
b. 说明其对于新增项目申请的接受标准,以及美方将作出何种努力以符合13条的要求。

44. (page 36, paragraph 70) The Secretariat Report notes that AD and CVD investigations may be suspended based on an agreement with the exporter or foreign governments.

What is the working procedure to reach such an agreement? Will the U.S. accept the price undertakings if the exporter or foreign government initiates an offer? If not, what is the reason?

45. (page 36, paragraph 70) The Secretariat Report notes that the agreement with respect to CVD investigations may involve quantitative restrictions.
a. Please clarify how such quantitative restrictions conform to Article 11 of GATT, Article 18.1 of Anti-dumping Agreement and Article 11 of SCM Agreement. 请美方澄清这一数量限制是如何与GATT第11条、《反倾销协议》第18.1条和《保障措施协议》第11条相一致的。

b. Please explain how the U.S can ensure transparency of such agreements with exporters or foreign governments.

46. With regard to the sunset review, will the U.S. adjust the scope of products under investigation and domestic like-products in the review? Are these products necessary to be newly emerged products during the period when anti-dumping measures are imposed? In this kind of reviews, will the investigation authority conduct investigations on the domestic injury to the industry and the possibility of recurrence?


47. On Mar. 5th, 2002, U.S. initiated safeguard measures against imported steel products and imposed Steel Import Licensing and Surge Monitoring (SILSM) for the imported steel products, and the Department of Commerce issued implementation rules for SILSM on Dec. 31, 2003. On Dec. 4, 2003, President Bush terminated the safeguard measures, but SILSM was maintained until Mar. 21, 2005. On Mar. 11, 2005, the Department of Commerce issued a regulation on the Steel Import Monitoring and Analysis System (SIMAS) to replace SILSM and the new system is effective until Mar. 21, 2009. SIMAS also expanded the scope of covered steel products.
2002年3月5日,美国宣布对进口钢铁产品实施保障措施和进口钢铁产品实许可和激增监控措施。2003年12月31日,美国商务部颁布了钢铁产品进口许可和激增监控的具体规定。美国总统布什于2003年12月4日宣布终止了对进口钢铁产品的保障措施,但是美国商务部仍然将钢铁产品进口许可和激增监控系统延续到2005年3月21日。在2005年3月11日,美国商务部在原有进口许可和监控体系到期前颁布了在到期后的钢铁产品进口许可和激增监控体系的暂行规定。2005年12月5日,美国商务部颁布新的钢铁产品进口许可和激增监控体系规定, 该体系将延续到2009年3月21日,该体系还扩大了监控产品范围。

a. Please explain the purpose for adopting automatic SIMAS and the reason for expanding the scope of covered steel products.
a. 美国对进口钢铁产品采取进口自动许可的目的和扩大钢铁产品监控范围的原因?

b. Please explain how the U.S. government will protect the commercial secrets involved in the steel imports.
b. 美国政府计划如何保护进口所涉及的商业秘密?

c. Please clarify whether SIMAS has led to any subsequent trade measures including safeguards.

(x)Standards and other technical requirements

48. In January, 2007, the U.S. started its implementation of repetitive use program of electronic products in the state of Washington, which covers provisions on manufacturers, collectors, and registration of transporters, labeling, fee charging, and punishment for violations,

Could the U.S. please clarify the scope of electronic products subject to the regulation and the criteria and procedures for the operation?

49. In 2007, FDA tightened inspection on the China’s exports to U.S. While fully respecting U.S.’s rights under the SPS agreement, it has to be pointed out that some inspection process last up to 2-3 weeks, significantly affecting China’s export to U.S. In addition, the high inspection fees also prevented exports from the SMEs, leading to a significant reduction in the import from China.

It was also claimed by Chinese exporters that different inspection standards have been applied for certain products which discriminates against the imported products.

a. Please explain whether the U.S. is considering adopting measures to ensure reasonable timeframe for the inspections.
b. Please justify the application of different standards to the imported products.

50. The Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002 (the Bioterrorism Act) set rigorous principles for food safety and prevention of bioterrorism. The FDA is the agency in charge and had formulated a series of measures to implement the Act.
美国于2002年颁布的《公众健康安全与生物恐怖主义预防应对法》(简称《生物反恐法》Bioterrorism Act)为食品和生物反恐问题制定了严格的指导原则。食品药品管理局为执行该法,于2003年颁布了一系列法规

Without prejudice to U.S.’s right to secure food safety and prevent bioterrorism, the reflection from the Chinese industries is that the new regulations are excessively complicated in terms of inspections, registration and notification, which reduced the speed of customs clearance, increased export-related costs and raised uncertainty and unpredictability, affecting normal trade.

a. Please explain in what ways the Act and its implementation reflects the requirement of “minimizing negative trade effects” as stipulated in Article 5.4 of the SPS agreement.

b. Is the U.S. considering adopting measures to reduce the negative impacts on the exporters?

51. China is the U.S.’s largest export market for poultry products. However, China’s export of cooked poultry products to the U.S. market has encountered difficulties for many years. After rounds of tough negotiations, U.S. officially recognized the equal status of China’s sanitary administration for the cooked poultry products. On May 24, 2006, U.S. has passed an Act that allows importation of China’s cooked poultry products that are produced with the U.S. approved raw materials. U.S. has also expressed on numerous occasions that technical matters, including food safety issue with respect to China’s export of cooked poultry products to the U.S. is already resolved and the importation should begin as soon as possible. However, on Aug. 3rd, 2007, the U.S. House of Representatives has passed the 2008 Agriculture Appropriation Bill, Article 733 of which requires that the appropriations shall not be used to enact or implement rules that allow importation of cooked poultry products from China. In December 2007, the bill was approved by the Senate and signed by the President.

a. Does the U.S. consider restricting importation from a specific country through limiting the use of government fund a discriminatory practice and that such protectionist practices should be abolished?
a. 请问美国是否同意,一国通过限制政府经费用途的方式限制特定国家产品向本国的进口,是一种歧视性做法,这一贸易保护主义的做法应该取消?

b. Please explain the consistency of Article 733 of the abovementioned bill with Article 11.1 of the GATT 1994 on the general elimination of quantitative restrictions. Does the U.S. have plans to bring the measure in conformity with the WTO rules?
b. 请解释上述法案的733节和1994总协定的11.1借的一致性。美国有否计划使这些做法符合WTO的规定?

c. As the world’s largest trading and developed nation, the U.S. plays an exemplary role to the world trade system. Has the U.S. considered taking measures to compensate for the losses of other Members of the WTO that were harmed by this provision?

d. Does the U.S. have any plans to normalize trade in cooked poultry products with China in the near future? If so, what specific measures are going to be adopted?

52. (page 51,paragraph 148) The Secretariat Report notes that there are no statutory limitations regarding the duration of the process to approve first-time imports of plants, animals, and their products into the United States.”

a. Please explain reasons for not setting a time limit for the approval process?
a. 请阐明对批准程序不设置时间限制的原因。

b. Members are concerned that this will lead to increased uncertainty for trade in the covered products. What’s the U.S.’s view? Is the U.S. planning to adopt measures to address Members’ concerns?
b. 成员担忧这将增加相关产品贸易的不确定性,对贸易造成障碍。美国如何认为?美国是否准备采取措施加以改进?

(3)Measures Directly Affecting Exports
(ii)Export restrictions and controls

53. China is the largest market affected by U.S.’s export restrictive measures. U.S. is a strong nation in terms of science and technology, However, according to the U.S. statistics, U.S.-China bilateral trade in high-tech products registered a deficit of 67.65 billion USD in 2007, accounting for 26.4% of the total bilateral trade deficit. According to China’s statistics, the U.S.’s share in China’s import of high-tech products dropped from 18.3% in 2001 to 8.5% in 2007. In 2007, the Department of Commerce issued a new regulation on the export control, requiring China to expand the scope of coverage of products subject to the verification of the end users and end use (VEU).

a. Could the U.S. share with Members its report on the analysis of the impact of the export control policy on the domestic industries and employment?
a. 美国对其出口管制政策对国内产业和就业影响的分析报告可否与成员分享?

b. Please explain how the U.S.’s stringent export control measures on high-tech products are consistent with the spirit and rules of free trade.
b. 美国对华高技术产品出口实施严格管制,这是否符合自由贸易的精神?

c. Could the U.S. confirm that the export control on high-tech products is one of the main factors driving the China-U.S. trade off the balance?
c. 美方是否同意其对高科技产品的出口管制措施是构成中美贸易不平衡的主要原因之一?

d. Does the U.S. agree that the requirement of expansion of coverage of VEU is a setback to the trade facilitation?
d. 美方是否同意其要求扩大出具最终用户和最终用途说明的做法(VEU制度)是在便利贸易方面的倒退?

e. Please explain reasons for a tightened export control against China, considering that in the meanwhile China is also pressed by the U.S. for more liberalization in more areas.
e. 在要求中国开放更多领域的同时,美国却一再加严对华出口管制,请解释这样做的理由。

(iv)Export assistance

54. (page 58,paragraph 183) According to the Secretariat Report, financing support by the Ex-Im Bank for U.S. exporting goods and services is subject to the U.S.-content requirements. The higher extent of U.S. content, the greater possibility to get bigger support.

Please explain whether such arrangements will lead to differential or differentiated treatment among enterprises? Will they lead to enterprise-specific subsidies?

(4) Other Measures Affecting Production and Trade
(ii)Other government support

55.(Page 62 Paragraph 202)The Secretariat Report notes that the American Jobs Creating Act of 2004 introduced a phase-in,9% tax deduction for certain producers.
根据秘书处报告62页第202段, 美国《2004就业机会创造法》规定,对某些生产商提供渐进的、最高为9%的税收减免优惠。

a. Please explain the criteria that a producer must satisfy in order to be eligible for such a tax reduction.
a. 请美方解释,企业需要满足何条件,才可享受这项优惠政策?

b. Are these tax reductions only apply to domestic producers?
b. 优惠措施是否仅针对国内制造商?

(iv)Government procurement

56. Please provide the latest 3 years statistical on the total government procurements nationwide, and the latest 3 years data on the procurements covered by GPA.

57. Please specify what government procurement policies and measures have been adopted for the purpose to fulfill the social and economic policy objectives.

58. With regard to the 1933 Buy American Act, please clarify the followings:
关于1933年《购买美国货法》, 请澄清以下三点:

a. The Act prohibits certain public agencies from purchasing foreign goods and services, requires to set up local-content criteria and to provide preferential price conditions for local suppliers, etc. Please clarify which agencies’ procurement activities are governed by this Act. And please describe the local criteria requirement.
a. 该法禁止一些公共部门从国外采购产品及服务,要求建立本地的特殊标准,并要求为本地的供应商提供优惠的价格条款等。请问哪些部门执行该法,不允许从外国采购?本地标准的内容是什么?

b. What is the criteria for “domestic products”?

c. What is the 6% price premium over normal foreign products based on when assessing the prices during the procurements?
c. 采购中进行价格评估时,对外国产品加价6%(如是美国中小企或劳动力过剩地区企业的竞争对象则加12%,国防类产品加50%)的要求的依据是什么?

(v)Trade-related intellectual property rights

59. It is said that the U.S. congress is in the process of amending the existing patent law and the amended draft has been passed by the House of Representatives and is currently under reviewing by the Senate.

a. Please provide information on the state of play with regard to the amended draft and the main amendments to the existing patent law?

b. Please clarify whether and how all interested parties, including foreign ones such as governments and other entities, have been given ample opportunities to comment on the amendments.

c. Please clarify when the process for the amended draft is expected to be completed.

60. (page 74, paragraph 262) The Secretariat Report mentions that, in order to improve patent quality, the USPTO changed its rules in October 2007, which will require applicants to identify more specificity of the claimed inventions to be examined.

a. Please provide the details of the changes in the rules.

b. Please clarify whether and how all interested parties, including foreign ones such as governments and other entities, were given ample opportunities to comment on the changes.

c. Please clarify whether these new rules have been notified to the WTO.

61. In 2007, the decision by the U.S. Supreme Court of Justice regarding the “non-obviousness” examination criteria for patents overthrew the rigid application of “teaching-suggestion-motion test” criteria as previously set by the Federal Circuit Appeals Court.

Please explain what substantial changes have taken place regarding the determination conditions of patent authorization and infringement dispute. And what is the impact of such changes with regard to patent-related issues?

62. (page 74, paragraph 262) The Secretariat Report also mentions that the USPTO published Examination Guidelines to help determinations regarding the obviousness of claimed inventions.

Please clarify what are the changes regarding the USPTO’s criteria on the review and determination for “non-obviousness”.

63. Can the works prohibited from circulation, presentation, or exhibition by law be registered for copyright in the U.S.?

64. What are the considerations of the U.S. for not acceding to the Rome Convention?

65. Please brief about the Copyright Royalty Judges of 2006. What are the main changes compared to the replaced Copyright Arbitration Royalty Panels?

66. Does the U.S. have any recent plan to amend its copyright related legislations?

IV. Trade Policies by Sector
(1) Overview

67. (page 79, paragraph 1) The Secretariat Report states that “the expiration of the 2002 Farm Act, and the current environment of high commodity prices, would offer an opportunity to introduce policy changes”.

a. Does the U.S. government agree with such comment?
a. 美国政府是否同意这一说法?

b. As is known to all, the Congress still wants to keep high level of trade-distorting supports and the new Farm Bill that mandates the expenditure of USD 286 billion in the coming 5 years has been passed by the Congress. What’s the Administration’s view regarding the future subsidy policy and its implications if the veto by the US President is overridden by the Congress?
b. 众所周知,美国国会仍然希望保留扭曲贸易的高水平国内支持,并且通过了新农业法案授权在未来5年内给予2860亿美元的预算。这一做法无疑是对今后WTO削减农业补贴谈判的一大障碍。请问美国行政部门/政府对未来补贴政策的看法如何?

(2) Agriculture

68. (page 81,paragraph 14-15)The Secretariat Report notes that, according to the OECD’s analysis, the PSE for the United States dropped sharply to US$29.3 billion in 2006 from an average annual amount of US$42.5 billion in 2004-2005, mainly as a result of higher world commodity prices rather than policy changes. However, the Commodity Credit Corporation(CCC)net outlays for 2006 remained at the same high level as in 2004-2005 when commodity prices were low.

Please explain why the net CCC outlay didn’t decrease during the period when the commodity prices went up. Justification with reference to the domestic factual evidence would be highly appreciated.

69. (page 82,paragraph 16) The Secretariat Report notes that the WTO DSB made a ruling in March 2005 that the export credit guarantee for upland cotton were in nature export subsidies which are prohibited by the WTO because the U.S. didn’t make commitments in its schedule. The U.S. has made certain adjustments for the cotton programme according to the ruling and related requirements, including the elimination of “step 2” payment. However, the WTO compliance panel established at the request of Brazil found that the changes U.S. had made to cotton programmes were insufficient to bring the measures into conformity with WTO rules. In December 2007, WTO established a panel upon the request by Canada and Brazil to examine whether past U.S. domestic support to agriculture had exceeded the applicable WTO ceiling.

a. What specific support measures for upland cotton are currently in place? What is the timetable for further adjustments to the cotton support programmes to make them in full compliance with the WTO rulings?

b. Does the U.S. plan to make any changes to the export credit guarantee programmes for soybean as well? If so, what is the timetable?
b. 美国是否也将对大豆出口信用担保进行调整?如果是,美国时间表是怎样的?
c. What is the U.S. view regarding the claims brought by Canada and Brazil?

(ii)Border measures

70. (Page 82, Paragraph 18)The report noted that “the simple average out-of-quota MFN tariff in 2007 was around 42%; the in-quota average was 9.1%”, and added with the following information, “close to 91% of out-of-quota tariffs are non-ad valorem, compared with almost 28% of in-quota tariffs”.

a. Could the U.S. explain how this calculation is made? Is the methodology applied here the same as that set out in Annex A to the TN/AG/W/3 of 12 July 2006?
a. 请美国说明非从价税的从价税等值的计算方法,并请说明这是否与TN/AG/W/3中规定的AVE的计算方法一致?

b. Generally speaking, the non-ad valorem is more restrictive than the ad valorem tariff, since they usually provide high level of disguised protection. Does the U.S. have any plan to simplify those no-ad valorem tariffs, especially in the context of DDA negotiations?
b. 一般来讲,非从价税构成了高度的隐蔽性的保护,因而比从价关税更加严格。请问美国是否计划在多哈回合谈判中将农产品非从价税全部简化为从价税形式?

71. (Page 82, Paragraph 18)The Secretariat Report notes that the latest U.S. notification on tariff quotas covers 2003.

When does the U.S. plan to make the next notification on tariff quotas?

72. (Page 82, Paragraph 19) The report indicate that MFN TRQ and the FTA TRQ might be provided side-by-side, at least for certain product categories.

Could the U.S. provide information on the import volumes under MFN TRQ and the FTA TRQ of these product categories? What are the fill rates of these products in question?

73. (Page 82, Paragraph 20) The Secretariat Report highlights that “access to tariff quotas is on a first come, first served basis, except for dairy products and sugar”, and “one or more methods may be used, depending on the particular good”.

a. Why different administrative methods are used for dairy products and sugar?
a. 为何对奶制品和糖采取例外?

b. Why more methods might be used for the so-called “particular good”? Are there any criteria in this regard?
B.为何对“特定产品”可采取多种不同的方式? 请说明相关标准。

74. (Page 83, Paragraph 24) The Secretariat Report states that “beef, dairy, ethyl alcohol, sugar and sugar-containing products, and tobacco remain subject to high import barriers”, the out-of-quota tariffs of which are higher than 100 per cent, and “the Commission estimates that the removal of barriers on imports of raw and refined sugar would……increase U.S. welfare by US$811 million”.

Please explain the reason to maintain those high import barriers. Does the U.S. plan to lower or remove those high tariffs so as to increase the consumers’ welfare?

(iii)Domestic Programmes

75. (Page 83-84, Paragraph 25-26) The Secretariat Report refers to the questions by other Members regarding the U.S. notification on domestic support, notably the categorization of direct payments as "green box", and of counter-cyclical payments as non-product-specific. Meanwhile, the EC pointed out in its 2007 report on the U.S. Barriers to Trade and Investment that there were wide concerns that such categorization permitted the counter-cyclical payments not to be accounted for in Current AMS, otherwise the U.S. could exceed its WTO limit of USD19.1 billion production-linked support. The U.S. responded that direct payments met green box criteria and that counter-cyclical payments were based on historical acreages and yields, and did not requires specific crops to be grown, therefore were not product-specific.

The arguments of the U.S. run against the findings of the Appellate Body of the U.S.-Cotton case, which upheld the ruling of the Panel that the direct payments are “amber” and the counter-cyclical payments are product-specific.

a. Does the U.S. accept such findings? If yes, would the U.S. modify its notification?
a. 美国是否接受上诉机构这一裁决?如果接受,美国是否会修改相关通报内容?

b. How will the U.S. modify the direct payments to ensure the compliance with the green box criteria, including the review and clarifications under the Doha agriculture negotiations?

c. Although the counter-cyclical payments did not require the production of specific crops, they were designed and implemented targeting at certain agricultural products. Please justify why the U.S. categorize counter-cyclical payments as non-product specific AMS? If the counter-cyclical payments is non-product specific, why would the U.S. accept the introduction of product-specific cap on Blue-Box payments?
c. 美国反周期支付尽管对种植品种没有限制,但却是针对不同农产品设计和实施的。美国将其归入非特定产品支持的理由何在?如果反周期支付是非特定产品AMS, 为何美国同意在多哈谈判中对新蓝箱设定对特定产品的支持上限?

(iv)Export subsidies, credit, insurance, and guarantees

76. (Page 84, Paragraph 30) The Report quoted the results of several studies on domestic support, and highlighted that farm programme payments “contain elements that provide incentives for resource use that may be inconsistent with market signals”, “counter-cyclical payments may provide for the reduction of price-related revenue risk, and could also have some influence on production decisions”, and “counter-cyclical payments may distort incentives in some situations but that any such distortions are to a lesser degree than ‘coupled’ payments such as marketing assistance loans”.

a. How does the U.S. determine the target price of counter-cyclical payments and the rates for direct payments?
a. 美国反周期支付的目标价格和直接支付率是如何确定的?

b. What are the differences between the legislated rates of payments and the actual rates of payments for major products, such as corn, cotton, wheat, rice and soybean, during the period from 2002 to 2007?
b. 2002-2007年度主要产品反周期支付的实际支出与法定最高限额的差距有多大?

77. (Page 87, Paragraph 42) Please explain in detail the rules for implementation of the Facility Guarantee Programme (FGP).

85. (Page 88, Paragraph 43) The Report states that “under GSM-102, the CCC is authorized to guarantee the repayment of credit made available to finance U.S. exports of agricultural goods on credit terms of up to three years”, and “the CCC generally guarantees 98% of the principal and a portion of the interest”.
秘书处报告第88页43段指出, 根据出口信贷担保项目(GSM-102), CCC 被授权对用于美国农产品出口融资的3年内的信贷的偿还提供担保,并且CCC对98%的本金和部分利率提供担保。

a. Please provide the information on the repayment terms of the credits, preferably on product-by-product and country-by-country basis.
a. 请提供给予出口信贷的条件(按照国别、产品)。

B. Please indicate the exact proportion of the interest provided by the CCC.
b. 利率中多大比例是由CCC支持的?

78. Please provide information on the implementation of counter-cyclical payments in recent years, notably, the payment for products including corn, soybean, cotton and rice, on a product-by-product basis.

79. Please provide information on the implementation of specific support measures for soybean.

(v) Food labeling

80. The U.S. is among the countries that have most strict requirements on food labeling. There currently exist as many as 22 different food labels, and revision and supplementation takes place every year. The U.S. requires that all the packaged food must attach food labels. For fortified food products, nutrition labels are required in addition, which need to describe the content of at least 14 kinds of nutrients. Such requirements create large extra load to the exporting manufactures.

Does the U.S. have any plan to modify its food labeling mechanism for the consideration of alleviating exporters’ burden?

(3) Mining and Energy

81. It is reported that the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is regulating on the operating prices and service terms of around 130 interstate natural gas pipelines, around 1000 electricity suppliers and 174 high voltage power transmission companies. Please clarify the specifics.

82. The Secretariat Report notes that the Energy Policy Act of 2005 requires a doubling of bio-fuel use. And the federal policy encourages bio-fuel production and use through tax incentive programme which cost in forgone tax revenue was US$2.7billion in 2006. 秘书处报告称,“《2005年能源政策法》使生物能源的使用增加一倍”;“联邦政策在2006年利用价值在27亿美元的税收优惠项目鼓励生物能源的生产和使用。 

a. What is the U.S. point of view regarding the interlinkage between such kind of bio-energy policies and the worldwide food price hike?

b. The world is faced with a situation where food prices continue to go up and poverty population is confronted with food security crisis. In these circumstances does the U.S. have any plan to adjust its bio-energy policy?

(5) Services

83. Please provide the information on balance of payment of U.S. services trade.

84. Please provide specific information on U.S. services trade with WTO developing Members, including sectoral and Member-specific breakdowns. Please list the major imports and exports of services (by sectors and trade value) and main destinations of U.S. service trade surplus.
请提供美国对发展中国家的服务贸易的具体信息,包括:产业部门和国别分类. 请列出过去三年内美国主要进口及出口(部门和贸易金额),以及主要的美国服务贸易顺差目的地。

(ii) Telecommunications and related services

85. Page 99 paragraph 96 mentions “public interest analysis” conducted to entities from WTO members of common carrier wireless licenses.

Please describe how “public interest analysis” is carried out.

86. For a long time, U.S. has cited national security reasons for prohibiting China for providing commercial satellite lunching services to U.S. satellites or satellites made in U.S. for other countries, while allowing other countries to provide such services to U.S. customers. China’s view is that commercial satellite lunching services is a commercial activity that poses no threat to the national security, and China has a significant commercial interest in the fast growing commercial satellite lunching service market.

Please explain, so far, which countries’ commercial satellite lunching services have been used by U.S.? To which countries has U.S. provided commercial satellite lunching services?

87. Page 102 paragraph 106 states that in order to promote competition, diversity and localism in media productions, the U.S. maintains several media ownership restrictions.

a. Please describe the U.S. approach to achieve diversity and localism at the same time?
a. 请解释美国政府如何同时实现“多样性”和“本地主义”?

b. Please explain in detail the radio/television cross-ownership rule and the rationale behind it.
b. 请具体解释说明“电台/电视交叉所有制原则”并说明该规则的合理性。

c. Please explain the reason why the newspaper/broadcast cross-ownership rule bans a company from owning a daily newspaper and a broadcast station in the same market.
c. 为何“报纸/广播交叉所有制原则”禁止企业在同一市场内同时经营日报和广播站业务?

88. The United States maintains ownership restrictions on foreign companies supplying common carrier radio services. A license will not be granted to or held by (a) foreign government or the representative thereof or (b) U.S. corporation of which more than 20% of the capital stock is owned or voted by a foreign government or its representative or a corporation not organized under the laws of the United States.
Could the United States clarify what “foreign government or the representative thereof means”? Does the United States have any plan to remove this restriction as well as the 20% ownership restriction?

(iii)Financial services

89. The U.S. regulatory regime offers national treatment to foreign banks. However, in some key business aspects, restrictions are maintained that discriminates against foreign service suppliers. For example, foreign banking institutions are prohibited from participating in Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and engaging in the retail banking services. These measures affected operations of foreign banking institutions in the U.S.

a. Please justify these restrictive measures and explain the policy considerations.

b. Please indicate whether there are plans to remove these restrictions.

90. (page xi, paragraph 26) The Secretariat Report notes that given the implications of the sub-prime crisis, the U.S. regulator is considering to change existing regulations and strengthen supervision.

a. How will the sub-prime crisis affect the establishment of subsidiaries or acquisition transactions of foreign banks in the U.S. market?

b. Will the U.S. authorities change their attitude towards the entry of foreign banks after the sub-prime crisis?

c. Will the regulatory changes impose limitations on the establishment or acquisition activities of foreign banks in the U.S.? Will these changes make such establishment or acquisition harder than before?

91. (page 104, paragraph 114) The Secretariat Report describes the general information on foreign banks in the U.S. as of end-June 2007, including the number of institutions and their total consolidated assets.

a. Please provide information on the applications for establishment of foreign bank subsidiaries and branches in the U.S. in the last 2 years, including: a) how many have been approved; b) how many are in the review process; c) how many have been rejected, and the detailed reasons; and d) which countries did these banks belong to.

b. Please provide information on approval of inter-state acquisitions or de novo establishments by the existing foreign banking institutions in the U.S in the latest 2 years.

92. (page 108, paragraph 130) The Secretariat Report notes that the RNIBBA of 1994 allows interstate branching by merger or de novo establishment of branches. However, there are special limitations and certain states have different policies.
a. Could the U.S. explicate in greater details what the requirements for interstate expansion by a foreign bank are, and what the specific criteria for approval are?

b. For foreign banks that have established subsidiaries or branches in the U.S. market, are there any restrictions with regard to exclusive provisions, merger conditions, and quantitative limitations, etc. on their new mergers or de novo establishment of branches in the U.S.? Please explicate the details.

93. (page 108, paragraph 130-132) The Secretariat Report mentions that there are strict limitations on the merger, acquisition or control of a U.S. bank by foreign banks.

Please explicate the specific restrictive measures on the foreign control of a U.S. bank and the criteria for approval. Please justify their consistency with U.S. commitments under the WTO.

94. Please clarify the supervision criteria for the existing branches of Chinese banks in the U.S., and whether the Chinese branches are subject to the same requirements as the U.S. local banks.

95. The U.S. has some limitations and requirements with regard to board members of the subsidiaries of Chinese banks in the U.S.

Does the U.S. have any plan to ease the limitations in this regard in the future? 今后是否可能放松这方面的限制?

96. Please explain requirements and procedures of review with respect to foreign sovereign funds’ investment in U.S. market, as well as the policy objectives of the U.S in this regard. What measures have been taken to ensure WTO transparency obligations are met?

97. In March 2008, U.S. Treasury has put forward plans for the reform of the financial regulatory regime.
Please explain the content of the reform, current progress and the expected final results of the reform.

98. In the recent crisis in the U.S. financial market, the credit rating institutions were widely criticized. The problem of potential conflicts of interests, such as between credit rating businesses and consulting businesses, has surfaced in the crisis.
Please comment on this problem and explain whether there are plans to enhance U.S. administration on the credit rating institutions.

99. Please explain the regulatory requirements that have to be met for establishing a securities services institution and the procedures for application.

(iv)Air transport services

100. (page 116, paragraph 167) Is there any plan to ease the foreign ownership limitations in the U.S. airlines in the near future?

101. (page 116, paragraph 168)Under the code-sharing programme between a foreign air carrier and a U.S. carrier, is the foreign carrier allowed to put the code on the U.S. carrier’s domestic routes to/from the U.S. airports that are not open for international airlines? What are the considerations to grant approval?

102. (page 117, paragraph 173) When will the second-stage U.S.-EU Air Transport Agreement negotiation start? Please explain that in such context, whether a further liberalized bilateral agreement will affect fair competition from a third party?

103. Please explain what are the laws/regulations and procedures that the DOT refer to when allocating routes and flight schedules, i.e. what is the legal basis of “route case” and how it is implemented.
美国运输部在航线、航班分配时所依据的法律、法规及程序安排, 即“route case”的做法和法律依据是什么?

104. How does the U.S. address the issue of antitrust and prevent unfair competition in regulating the air transport market?

(v)Maritime transport

105. Liberalization of maritime transportation is the most effective way to lower the cost of international trade and increase efficiency. As the world’s largest trading nation and one of the largest maritime service suppliers, U.S. has shown reluctance in making commitments regarding maritime services in the Doha Round despite continued efforts from other Members, which undoubtedly causes negative impact on the negotiations of both this sector and the whole services negotiations as well. U.S. also maintains a number of discriminatory restrictions in maritime transportation services, in particular, regarding controlled carrier and port investment.

a. Please indicate if the U.S. is prepared to make efforts to address the concerns of other WTO Members about U.S. commitments on maritime services.

b. Please justify the restrictions on the controlled carrier. Considering the fact that the majority of Chinese carriers deemed by the U.S. as “controlled carriers” areas the matter of fact fully market-oriented and self-accountable businesses, does U.S. have plans to remove the restrictions on these carriers?

c. Please explain reasons for restricting foreign investment, including investment from China, in the U.S. ports. Are there any plans to remove these restrictions?

106. With respect to oil pollution and environmental protection, each state of the United States enforces standards higher than specified in the relevant international conventions approved by the United States. Vessel owners have to enter into extra arrangements with the concerned state relating to vessel apparatus and responsibility guarantee, which places a significant burden on vessel owners.

Does the U.S. have any plan to unify those standards mentioned above so as to facilitate the provision of maritime transport services in the U.S.?

107. The Merchant Marine Act, 1920 sets limitations on foreign vessels’ engagement in transport business in near ocean and within the U.S. and transport of projects whose expenses are born by the Federal Government must be carried by American vessels.

Has the United States ever considered relaxing such limitations so as to achieve greater economic efficiency through increasing competition in the U.S. market since last review?

108. Protection of transport along the coast of the U.S. under Jones Act affects reallocation of empty containers of foreign vessel companies. These stipulations under Jones Act have put extra burdens on foreign maritime companies, putting them at a disadvantage in their competition with the U.S. domestic companies.

Has the U.S. ever considered removing those limitations since last review?

109. The U.S. always rejects other Members to revise their legislations in case they constitute barriers for trade of export interest to the U.S. while the U.S. always takes its own legislations of similar nature as an excuse for obstructing trade of export interest to other Members with the destination in the U.S.

Could the U.S. explain the logic of this attitude of theirs and inform Members that this will be changed soon?
(vi)Professional and business services

110. (Page 122, paragraph 194) The Secretariat Report mentions that the U.S. still lacks a national regulatory regime regarding professional and business services, and standards still vary from state to state, which results in de-facto barrier to trade in services.
Why is there little progress made in pushing forward a unified standard nationwide? Does the U.S. have a specific timetable for eliminating this trade barrier?

111. Please provide information on legislations pertaining to the administration of foreign invested accounting and auditing business. Which government agencies are in charge of accounting/auditing sector?

112. Apart from the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), which government agencies are also entitled to review the working paper of the accounting firms that provide services for the public listed companies? Which of these are the most important agencies?

113. Please provide the criteria for the market access of the corporate accountants, auditors and accounting firms. Are there any restrictions on the foreign service- providers (including professionals of other Members’ corporations and accounting firms, as well as professionals for establishing an accounting firm in U.S.)?
请提供企业会计人员、审计师和会计师事务所准入的条件。 对外国服务提供者(包括在成员国企业、会计师事务所工作的人员及设立会计师事务所的人员)是否有限制、有何限制?

114. Are there any restrictions on the U.S. service providers (including agencies and individuals) to provide services across states? Are there any restrictions which may include restrictions on the scope of business on foreign service-suppliers to supply services across states?

115. Please provide information on the mutual recognition of qualifications between U.S. and other countries on accounting/auditing services.

116. Please provide information on the number of registered U.S. auditors and the number of domestic/foreign accounting firms.

117. What are the agencies responsible for the establishment and implementation of the accounting and auditing standards? How the CPA examinations are implemented and are there plans to reform the system?

118. Apart from the accounting firms, which other service sectors are also subject to overseas due diligence? How are the investigations conducted?

119. According to the estimate of the American College of Physicians, currently there’s a shortage of 126,000 nurses in U.S. The national average vacancy rate for the nursing jobs is 9%, and reaches as high as 40% in some hospitals. According to the estimates of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, by 2012, as many as one million nursing positions in U.S. will need to be filled. The lack of nurses and paramedical personnel has greatly affected on the welfare of U.S. consumers and patients.

Please explain, with such great shortage of nurses and taking into account that U.S. allows foreign nurses to provide services through immigration, why not allow nursing services to be provided through CSS and IP on a short term basis?

120. It is a common complaint from Chinese industries that U.S. visa requirements and procedures are excessively burdensome. To obtain a U.S. visa, an applicant not only has to submit complicated application forms, but also has to undergo background investigation, onsite interviews and leave fingerprints. These requirements impose great difficulties on the movement of natural persons as well as trade and investment.
Please explain what measures has the U.S. been taken to ensure a balance between ensuring national security and facilitating movement of natural persons. Are there any plans to streamline procedures and requirements for H1-B visa?

121.Almost all states require architects and engineers register or obtain a license, but different states apply different standards and requirements with respect to registration/licensing, and state registrations/licenses are only effective within the territory of the state. The system imposes great difficulties on the free movement of the architects and engineers between states, and is a substantial barrier for foreign service-suppliers.

a. Please explain whether the requirements and procedures for registration and licensing of architects and engineers are identical across all states. If not, please specify the differences. Please also explain policy objectives leading to these differences.
a. 各州对本州建筑师和工程师的许可或登记要求与对外州建筑师和工程师的许可或登记要求(包括实质性要求和程序性要求)是否完全一致?请解释这造成这些不同的政策目标。

b. With respect to the architects and engineers from the developing countries, please explain whether work experiences in their home countries (regions) are recognized by US. If yes, are there any conditions attached?
对于从发展中国家来的建筑是和工程师,请解释其母国(地区)的从业经验是否被认可? 如果是,有什么补充条件吗?

c. Does the U.S. federal government or the relevant associations have plans to harmonize the standards for registration/licensing of these professionals? If yes, is there a specific timetable? If no, please explain the policy considerations.

d. Please explain whether identical standards and procedures are applied in assessing the qualifications of foreign architects and engineers in awarding registration/license to the domestic professionals? If not, please explain the details of the differences and policy objectives behind these differences.

e. Please explain whether there are any restrictions on the business scope of the foreign architects and engineers. If yes, please specify the exact measures and policy considerations.

f. Please specify which single enquiry point is designated by U.S. to implement the WTO transparency obligation with respect to registration/licensing of the architect and engineers.

g. U.S. schedule of specific commitments states that “Two-thirds of the officers, partners, and/or directors of an architectural firm in Michigan must be licensed in Michigan as architects, professional engineers and/or land surveyors”. This restriction practically bans business of foreign architectural firms. Does U.S. have plans to remove this MA restriction? If yes, please specify the timetable. If no, please explain the legal/practical difficulties.

h. 12 states of U.S. have made reservations on the national treatment in mode 4 for engineering/integrated engineering service. Please indicate whether U.S. has plans to remove these restrictions. If no, please explain the legal/practical difficulties.

i. Please explain the current visa type/requirement for foreign architects and engineers. Is U.S. considering removing visa quota for mode 4 for these professionals, or streamlining visa requirements/procedures? If yes, please specify the timetable. If no, please explain the legal/practical difficulties.

Postal Services邮政服务

122. Current U.S. WTO commitment only covers road-based courier service.

a. Please explain whether U.S. allows foreign express delivery companies to establish airfreight centers in U.S. and provide domestic/international air express delivery service.

b. Please list the laws and regulations governing express delivery. Are there provisions governing express delivery in the Federal Aviation Law?

c. If a foreign service-supplier wishes to provide express delivery service across states, does it have to obtain license(s) for the establishment of branch(es) or office(s)? If a license is required, what is the scope of coverage of the license (national/state)?
c. 提供跨州速递服务的外资快递公司在美国设立办事处或子公司是否需要办理相关许可证?如果获得许可,学科所涵盖的业务范围是什么?

d. Please provide information on the foreign commercial presence in the U.S. express delivery market.

123. In the Doha Round, U.S. has excluded universal service from the commitments on the postal services. However, the U.S. postal law does not have a clear definition on the universal service.
Please clarify the exact definition, business type and scope of coverage of universal service.

Transparency---Notification of measures of general application affecting trade in services

124. China notes that the United States has not made any notifications to the Council for Trade in Services under Article III of the GATS since 2002. Article III provides that “Each Member shall promptly and at least annually inform the Council for Trade in Services of the introduction of any new, or any changes to existing laws, regulations or administrative guidelines which significantly affect trade in services covered by its specific commitments under this Agreement”.
中国注意到,自从2002年以来美国没有在总协定Article III下向服务贸易理事会提供任何通报。Article III规定每个成员都应主动的至少每年就显著影响其协议承诺的服务贸易的任何新法律、法规和规章,现行法律、法规和规章的修改向服务贸易理事会做出通报。

Could the United States confirm that no new laws, regulations or administrative guidelines or changes to exiting laws, regulations or administrative guidelines which significantly affect trade in services covered by its specific commitments under this Agreement have been introduced since 2002?

Transparency—public involvement in the drafting process

125. Could the United States explain what mechanisms are used to disseminate draft proposed laws and regulations for consultation with interested parties, including prospective foreign services suppliers?
