首页>贸易政策审议 >2007年

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World Trade





22 January 2007






Trade Policy Review Body











Report by the Secretariat







This report, prepared for the eighth Trade Policy Review of the European Communities, has been drawn up by the WTO Secretariat on its own responsibility.  The Secretariat has, as required by the Agreement establishing the Trade Policy Review Mechanism (Annex 3 of the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization), sought clarification from European Communities on its trade policies and practices.


Any technical questions arising from this report may be addressed to Mr. Ricardo Barba (tel: 022/739 50 88), Mr. Arne Klau (tel: 022/739 57 06), or Mr. Jacques Degbelo (tel: 022/739 55 83).


Document WT/TPR/G/177 contains the policy statement submitted by the European Communities.



Note:    This report is subject to restricted circulation and press embargo until the end of the first      session of the meeting of the Trade Policy Review Body on the European Communities.





SUMMARY OBSERVATIONS                                                                                                                                               ix

                (1)           The Economic Environment                                                                                                             ix

                (2)           Institutional Framework                                                                                                               ix

                (3)           Trade Policy Instruments                                                                                                                  x

                (4)           Sectoral Policies                                                                                                                                  xi

                (5)           Trade Policy and Trading Partners                                                                                            xii

I.              Economic environment                                                                                                                                   1

                (1)           Main Characteristics                                                                                                                          1

                (2)           Recent Economic Developments                                                                                                     3

                (3)           Trade Performance and Investment                                                                                             8

                (i)            Trade in goods                                                                                                                             8

                (ii)           Trade in services                                                                                                                       12

                (iii)          Foreign direct investment                                                                                                        13

                (4)           Outlook                                                                                                                                                   14

II.            trade and Investment regimes                                                                                                               16

                (1)           Institutional Framework                                                                                                               16

                (2)           Policy Formulation and Implementation                                                                               17

                (3)           Trade Policy Objectives                                                                                                                    19

                (4)           Trade Regulations and Business Environment                                                                       21

                (5)           Trade Agreements and Arrangements                                                                                      23

                (i)            Overview                                                                                                                                     23

                (ii)           WTO                                                                                                                                            24

                (iii)          Preferential trade agreements and arrangements                                                                  28

III.           trade policies and practices by measure                                                                                        40

                (1)           Introduction                                                                                                                                         40

                (2)           Measures Directly Affecting Imports                                                                                       40

                (i)            Customs procedures and valuation                                                                                        40

                (ii)           Common Customs MFN Tariff                                                                                                42

                (iii)          Other duties and taxes                                                                                                              47

                (iv)          Duty and tax exemptions and concessions                                                                           51

                (v)           Rules of origin                                                                                                                            51

                (vi)          Tariff preferences                                                                                                                      52

                (vii)         Import prohibitions, restrictions, and licensing                                                                    52

                (viii)        Contingency trade remedies                                                                                                    54

                (ix)           Technical barriers to trade (TBT)                                                                                            57

                (x)            Sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures                                                                         59

                (xi)           Government procurement                                                                                                         61

                (3)           Measures Directly Affecting Exports                                                                                      64

                (i)            Registration and documentation                                                                                             64




                (ii)           Export taxes, charges, and levies                                                                                            65

                (iii)          Export prohibitions, restrictions, and licensing                                                                    65

                (iv)          Export subsidies                                                                                                                        66

                (v)           Export assistance                                                                                                                       66

                (vi)          State-trading enterprises                                                                                                          67

                (4)           Measures Affecting Production and Trade                                                                            67

                (i)            State-owned enterprises                                                                                                           67

                (ii)           Competition policy and regulatory issues                                                                             67

                (iii)          Intellectual property rights                                                                                                      73

IV.           trade policies by sector                                                                                                                              79

                (1)           Introduction                                                                                                                                         79

                (2)           Agriculture and Related Activities                                                                                         79

                (i)            Main features                                                                                                                             79

                (ii)           Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)                                                                                        82

                (3)           Fisheries                                                                                                                                                    95

                (i)            Main features                                                                                                                             95

                (ii)           Common Fisheries Policy (CFP)                                                                                              96

                (4)           Energy                                                                                                                                                       99

                (5)           Manufacturing                                                                                                                                   102

                (i)            Overview                                                                                                                                   102

                (ii)           Selected industries                                                                                                                  104

                (6)           Services                                                                                                                                                   109

                (i)            Overview                                                                                                                                   109

                (ii)           Financial services                                                                                                                    111

                (iii)          Telecommunication and postal services                                                                              117

                (iv)          Transport                                                                                                                                  121

                (v)           Tourism                                                                                                                                     127

REFERENCES                                                                                                                                                                           129

APPENDIX TABLES                                                                                                                                                              135









I.1            Direction of merchandise trade, 2000-05                                                                                                                10

I.2            Structure of merchandise trade, 2000-05                                                                                                                11




III.1         Breakdown of applied MFN tariffs, 2006                                                                                                               44

III.2         MFN tariff distribution by ISIC sector, 2006                                                                                                         45

III.3         Tariff escalation by ISIC 2-digit industry, 2006                                                                                                    47




IV.1         EC tariff by ISIC classification, 2006                                                                                                                     105







I.1            Selected indicators, 2005                                                                                                                                            1

I.2            Key macroeconomic indicators, 2004-05                                                                                                                  4

I.3            Growth in real GDP  and expenditure components, 2001-05                                                                               5

I.4            Euro exchange rates, 1998-05                                                                                                                                     7

I.5            Trade in services, 2003-05                                                                                                                                        12

I.6            FDI inflows and outflows, 2003-05                                                                                                                         13




II.1          Selected EC notifications to the WTO, October 2006                                                                                          26




III.1         Structure of the EC MFN tariff, 2004-06                                                                                                                 43

III.2         Items with problems of consistency between conventional and autonomous rates                                      43

III.3         Structure of the EC MFN tariff, by WTO sector, 2006                                                                                         44

III.4         Summary analysis of EC applied MFN tariffs, 2006                                                                                             46

III.5         National VAT rates in the EC                                                                                                                                  48

III.6         VAT exemption thresholds in the EC                                                                                                                     49

III.7         Thresholds for excise duty exemptions on imports (for personal use)

                from non-EC countries, 2005                                                                                                                                    50

III.8         Contingency measures notified by the EC                                                                                                            56

III.9         WTO Notifications of technical regulations by the EC and Member States, 1995-06                                    58

III.10       EC's emergency SPS measures                                                                                                                                60

III.11       Minimum thresholds, mid 2006                                                                                                                               62

III.12       Open procurement indicators, 2002-04                                                                                                                   64

III.13       State aid in the EC, 2004                                                                                                                                           72

III.14       Statistics on trade marks and designs, 2000-06                                                                                                    74

III.15       Patent applications at the European Patent Office by bloc of origin, 1998-04                                                 75




IV.1         Selected agricultural statistics, 2005                                                                                                                       80



IV.2         Agricultural area by main type of farming, 2005                                                                                                   81

IV.3         EC support for rural development, 2007-13                                                                                                           86

IV.4         Guarantee and guidance expenditure by Member State, and national

                expenditure on agriculture, 2004                                                                                                                             87

IV.5         Guarantee expenditure, by product, 2004-06                                                                                                         88

IV.6         Transfers associated with agricultural policies, 1986-05                                                                                     89

IV.7         Production of cereals, 1999-04                                                                                                                                 91

IV.8         Total cereals market projections, 2005-12                                                                                                              92

IV.9         Beef and veal meat market projections, 2004-13                                                                                                   93

IV.10       Selected sugar indicators, 2005                                                                                                                               94

IV.11       Tariffs and tariff quotas on fishery products, 2006                                                                                              97

IV.12       Production and consumption of energy, 1998-02                                                                                               100

IV.13       Main SME support programmes and instruments, 2000-06                                                                              104

IV.14       Main indicators of aerospace equipment manufacturing, 2002                                                                        106

IV.15       Selected telecommunications indicators, 2005                                                                                                    118

IV.16       Transport by mode, 1995-04                                                                                                                                  122







AI.1        Exports by destination, 2000-05                                                                                                                            135

AI.2        Imports by origin, 2000-05                                                                                                                                      136

AI.3        Structure of exports, 2000-05                                                                                                                                 137

AI.4        Structure of imports, 2000-05                                                                                                                                 138




AIII.1      Selected State-Owned Enterprises in the EC                                                                                                       139

AIII.2      Applied MFN tariff averages by HS2, 2006                                                                                                         143




AIV.1      Overview of the implementation of the 2003 CAP reform, 2006                                                                       147

AIV.2      Applied MFN tariff, by ISIC Rev.2 category, 2006                                                                                             149






(1)        The Economic Environment

1.                  Following the economic slowdown in 2001-03, real GDP growth in the European Communities (EC) picked up to 2.3% in 2004, 1.7% in 2005, and an estimated 2.8% in 2006, mainly driven by private investment and exports.  Growth rates in the ten new Member States (NMS-10) were above the EC average, contributing to income convergence.  The economic recovery has translated into a decline of unemployment, to 8.8% in 2005, and an estimated 8% in 2006, and was accompanied by strong expansion of international trade.  The ratio of public debt to GDP in the 25 Member States (EC-25) increased slightly, to around 63% in 2005 and 2006;  thus, although some Member States improved their budgetary situation, measures to address the long-term sustainability of the public debt would appear to remain needed.

2.                  The euro is  the common currency of twelve EC Member States.  Sweden and the NMS-10 are expected to adopt the euro at a later stage, while Denmark and the United Kingdom have opted to retain their national currencies.  Despite sharply increasing energy prices, inflationary pressures remained under control;  EC-25 inflation was 2.1% in 2004, 2.2% in 2005 and an estimated 2.3% in 2006.  Key interest rates in the euro area remained at the historically low level of 2% during 2004 and most of 2005, but have been rising constantly since, to 3.5% in December 2006. 

3.                  The services sector remains the backbone of the EC economy, with a share of over 77% in GDP and employment, while agriculture contributes just over 2%.  The EC's share in global value-added in manufactures has been decreasing, reflecting geographical shifts in international processing activities and their vertical decomposition.  The Lisbon Strategy, a ten-year plan adopted in 2000 to increase the EC's competitiveness, was reformulated in March 2005.  Broad economic policy guidelines (BEPGs), mainly on the contribution of economic policies to the Lisbon Strategy, identified growth, labour market flexibility, and sustainable public finances as priorities for policy action at Member States level. 

4.                  EC exports and imports both grew at an average annual rate of some 10% in the period   2004-06.  The EC's trade account has been in persistent but sustainable deficit.  The EC current account turned from a small surplus in 2002 and balance in 2003 to a slight deficit in 2004 (0.1% of GDP);  the deficit widened to some 0.9% of GDP in 2005 but narrowed again to an estimated 0.5% of GDP in 2006.  The EC accounts for around half of global foreign direct investment (FDI) stocks, making it the world's largest recipient and supplier of FDI.

(2)   Institutional Framework

5.                  There have been no substantive changes to the institutional framework of the EC since its previous review in October 2004.  Ten countries acceded to the EC in May 2004, and Bulgaria and Romania are set to join in January 2007.  Accession negotiations have started with Croatia and Turkey, and candidate status has also been granted to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.  The EC's trade policy seeks to progressively abolish or lower obstacles to international trade, contribute to sustainable development, and harness the opportunities of globalization.  Trade liberalization in the EC follows several tracks:  multilateral,  reciprocal, and non-reciprocal. 

6.                  At the multilateral level, the EC is a key player in the WTO and very active in the DDA negotiations.  In this context, the EC seeks improvements in market access for non-agricultural products on the basis of a non-linear formula that will cut the highest tariffs most and offer flexibility for developing countries;  liberalization of agriculture according to the July 2004 Framework Agreement;   further liberalization of the services sector;  and incorporation of development priorities.  The EC also remains one of the most active Members in WTO dispute settlement;  as at November 2006, it was involved in 36 disputes, 18 as a complainant and 18 as a respondent.

7.                  The EC continues to build on a wide network of regional trade agreements (RTAs).  In its RTAs with developing countries, liberalization is usually undertaken asymmetrically, with the EC liberalizing at a faster speed.  The EC considers that its RTAs are part of a wider policy of promoting multilateralism;  it recently announced its intention to launch new preferential trade negotiations, with market access as the main criterium. 

8.                  The EC grants at least MFN treatment to all WTO Members, and unilateral preferences through its GSP scheme and the Cotonou Agreement.  The revised GSP scheme, in force since January 2006, has three different arrangements;  the most far-reaching of these arrangements, the Everything But Arms (EBA) initiative, grants duty-free and quota-free access to the EC market for least‑developed countries, with only a few (product) exceptions, to expire in 2008.  Under the Cotonou Agreement, the EC is negotiating reciprocal Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) with the ACP countries;  these are scheduled to enter into force in January 2008. 

9.                  The EC's extensive network of RTAs, together with the large number of countries eligible for unilateral preferences, has confined the application of its exclusively MFN tariff to nine WTO Members, which accounted for some 30% of its total merchandise imports in 2005.

(3)   Trade Policy Instruments

10.              The EC's MFN tariff has remained largely unchanged since its last TPR in 2004.   The average applied MFN tariff has increased slightly, to 6.9% from 6.5%, due to increases in ad valorem equivalents (AVE) of non-ad valorem tariffs, as a result of a downward trend in import prices of certain agricultural products.  By contrast, the average non-agricultural applied MFN tariff (excluding petroleum) is 4% (down from 4.1% in 2004). Non-ad valorem tariffs apply to some 10% of the tariff lines, mainly on agricultural goods;  they comprise specific, compound, alternate, and variable duties. Applied MFN tariffs on agricultural goods (WTO definition) average 18.6% (up from 16.5% in 2004), with rates up to an AVE of 427.9%.

11.              On aggregate, the EC tariff schedule shows mixed escalation, negative from the first stage of processing to semi-processed goods (because of the high tariff protection for agricultural commodities), and then positive to fully processed goods.  Value-added tax and excise duties apply to imports and locally produced goods at the same rates;  these rates are set by Member States and are not harmonized among the EC. 

12.              The EC is modernizing its customs administration through the implementation of electronic exchange systems to support the creation of a paperless customs environment.  Customs controls are based on risk analysis using automated data processing techniques.  Import prohibitions are generally based on international agreements, SPS regulations, or on resolutions of the United Nations Security Council.  Technical regulations, standards, and sanitary and phytosanitary measures have been under continued review by the Commission;  in certain areas, they have not been fully harmonized among Member States.  Products placed on the market of a Member State must comply, where necessary, with both relevant national and Community-wide legislation.

13.              The EC maintains import licences for surveillance, quota management, and safeguards purposes;  98 tariff lines, mostly agricultural goods, are subject to tariff quotas.  The EC remains an important user of contingency trade remedies;  between January 2004 and September 2006, it initiated three safeguard, 27 anti-dumping and two countervailing investigations.  The EC provides export subsidies based on provisions laid down in product-specific common market organizations; such subsidies (mainly on agricultural products) though on the decline remain relatively high.  In value, export subsidies notified by the EC represent approximately 90% of all the WTO Members' notified export subsidies.  Assistance to exporters is also provided at the Member State level. 

14.              New EC-wide legislation on public procurement entered into force in 2004, with a view to simplifying the legal framework and adapting it to the electronic era.  The EC's competition policy seeks to enforce regulations on anti-competitive practices, and enhance competition.  Enforcement focuses on the elimination of cartels and abuses of dominant position.  New guidelines were adopted in 2006 on regional aid provided by Member States.  The EC does not have any state-trading enterprises within the meaning of GATT Article XVII;  there are numerous state-owned enterprises that engage in international trade.

15.              The intellectual property rights regime is governed by both EC regulation and Member States' legislation.  While no major change to the IPR regime has taken place since the last TPR of the EC, the Commission launched a review of patent policy in January 2006, focusing on, inter alia, the possible introduction of an EC patent.  Various measures have also been taken to ensure more effective IPR enforcement. 

(4)   Sectoral Policies

16.              Services constitute the EC's most important sector in terms of contribution to real GDP and employment. With a view to eliminating the remaining differences in regulation across Member States, the EC is taking steps to create a genuine internal market for trade in services by 2010. Since its last Review in 2004, the EC has taken measures to address some structural problems, notably the completion of the Financial Services Action Plan 1999-05; the launch of a new financial services strategy 2006-10; and the Action Plan for transport 2002-10. Further liberalization of services should improve the efficiency of other economic activities.

17.              The manufacturing sector accounts for about 20% of the EC's GDP and for some three-quarters of its merchandise exports, and remains a major beneficiary of state aid. As a result of declining productivity growth in manufacturing, the Commission set out a new industrial policy in 2005, which, together with measures at Member State level, is aimed at fostering the competitiveness of the sector. Using the ISIC definition, MFN tariffs on manufactured imports average 6.8%, with rates ranging up to 427.9% (an AVE) on certain processed food products.

18.              The EC is the world's largest energy importer, the second largest consumer, and is about 50% self-sufficient in energy. Faced with increasing oil prices, the EC is seeking to save 20% of its energy consumption by 2020 through, inter alia, the use of energy-efficient technologies, and has also set a target of 21% renewable electricity by 2010.  Some of the key policy aims of the EC in the subsector are security of energy supply, promotion of competition, and completion of the internal market by 2007. Imports of electricity are duty free.

19.              The EC is implementing the 2003 reform to its Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), mainly through the decoupling of payments from production; this has increased the exposure of farmers to world market signals. As a result, the combined share of market price support relating to output and input (those that are the most trade distorting) fell from 71.7% of support to producers in 2003 to 63.8% in 2005.  The total amount spent on the CAP was 45.5% of EC expenditure in 2005. Using the ISIC definition, MFN tariffs in agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing average 10.9%, with rates ranging up to 167.2%. Border protection and domestic support have somewhat insulated certain products from competition and helped to generate surpluses. The policy has thus made subsidies indispensable for the export of some of the surpluses.  The ongoing reforms aim to redirect this policy.

(5)   Trade Policy and Trading    Partners

20.              The EC pursues a strategy of trade liberalization through negotiations at the multilateral, regional, and bilateral levels. It considers the DDA as a key priority, having been fundamental in its launch and having made a large number of proposals in various areas. The EC's continuing commitment to the WTO will be essential to the successful completion of the DDA. Nonetheless, the decision by the EC to launch new PTA negotiations could further complicate its trade regime, and divert interest from the multilateral trading system.

21.              The EC is the world's leading exporter and the second-largest importer of goods, and its economy has continued to support global growth by maintaining its market open.
Nevertheless, trade barriers remain substantial in a few but important areas, notably agriculture. Reduction/elimination of export subsidies and tariffs on agricultural imports would benefit EC consumers, improve resource allocation, and significantly contribute to the promotion of the world economy.

22.              The EC remains the world's leading exporter and importer of commercial services. The Services Directive builds on the so-called "fundamental freedoms" of the EC Treaty, including the freedom of establishment and the free-movement of services. However, significant barriers to trade in services remain both at the intra-EC level and vis-à-vis third countries;  these include monopolies and differences in regulation across Member States. Addressing these distortions would boost the overall competitiveness of the economy.
