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              WTO Trade Policy Review of Korea
              Comments and Questions from China
                   15-17 September 2004

  The questions and comments of China contained in this paper are aimed at seeking clarification certain specific issues in Korea’s trading system, so that the concerns and interests of China will be well taken into account by the Korean government and our future exchanges on these issues will be facilitated with a view to making progress satisfactory to both countries.


  The tariff regime of Korea is too complicated. Products subject to adjustment tariff and the tariff rates change from year to year. In addition, in Korea’s customs tariff 2002, it seems that there are more than 60 tariff items subject to non ad valorem duties. China holds the opinion that adoption of adjustment tariff and non ad valorem duty may jeopardize the transparency of tariff policies, weaken the predictability of international trade and hamper the ongoing negotiations on tariff reduction. China hopes that Korea will abolish adjustment tariff and switch from non ad valorem duty to ad valorem duty.

  Would Korea clarify the reasons why the Korean government chooses to maintain the adjustment tariff and non ad valorem duty? Will Korea consider making changes to the current regime?
In addition to that, China notices that Korea’s current tariff binding coverage is 91%. Is there any consideration or plan for Korea to bind all the tariffs?


  China’s exports to Korea, especially important products such as fruits and vegetables, are substantially affected by the SPS and TBT measures taken by Korea. Against the background that the trade deficit of China with Korea is still getting larger, China sincerely hopes that in the implementation of SPS and TBT measures Korea will demonstrate faithfully the spirit of both the SPS Agreement and the TBT Agreement so that these measures do not constitute unnecessary barriers to trade. Specifically, China is deeply concerned with the risk assessment of export of fruit and vegetable, scientific grounds of certain standards for tolerance of contaminants or residue, discretionary factors in standards application and certification, and lengthy inspection procedures for customs clearance, etc.

  In view of the technical nature of these specific issues, China hereby would like to express its general concern over them, and hopes that further attention will be given by the Korean government. China will keep closer contacts with Korea through bilateral channels, with a view to making further progress on specific issues to expand the bilateral trade.

Bidding Mechanism for import of Tariff Quota Products

  Based on feedbacks from Chinese enterprises China feels that some aspects in Korea’s current bidding mechanism for import of tariff quota products seem not very reasonable. For instance, procedures of the bidding lack sufficient transparency and exporters are not allowed to take part in the bidding process but have to turn to Korean agents. Besides, some practices are different from international practices.

  China would like to obtain Korean laws and regulations on its bidding mechanism for import of tariff quota products, and to inquire whether there is any consideration or plan of Korea to adjust its mechanism.